Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Burnt In His Sleep


How many times have we left the car engine running for the comfort of our family or other passengers who wanted the air condition blowing - while you the driver run off to do some banking errands or the snack shop to get drinks and tidbits? 
We have all been guilty of doing that I am sure.  Lately in Johor Bahru and Singapore alike, I am seeing more and more of such occurence due to the current heatwave plaguing the countries.  I do not blame them, for there is also a lack of local legislation against leaving the car engines running while in stationary position.  In Malaysia, such incidents are even more rampant because the cost of petrol or gasoline for vehicles are almost half that of Singapore, so drivers are not as conscientious in turning off the engines when they run off for errands - leaving sometimes sleeping babies or children and pets in the comfort of the air conditioned vehicles.
News today said a man died in his car after his car engine, which was left running while he napped, caught on fire and burnt him to death. This is very unfortunate and perhaps in some ways serves as a reminder for us to be more environmentally friendly by turning off the ignition.  Apart from helping to save the world from more emissions, it just might save our lives too.
The above news also reminded me of how recently, more and more local cars in Malaysia, as well as vehicles from Singapore, are going to car workshops to have their cars modified and all tricked out so as to get a few more horsepower out of the stock engines the cars come with.
It looks from the photo above that the victim was driving a sports car which may or may not have been modified. My guess is if it were a JB plate car, there will be some modifications on it.  With many drivers coming to JB to have their ride modified, there is a real risk of engines overheating....especially when the drivers are not great in their automotive mechanics knowledge and leave their machines to the whims and fancies of the mechanics.
While I am just as guilty of the above, I think drivers should be aware that they should at least research online what they are doing to their rides before handing the cars over to the workshops for modifications.  More importanly, they should go only to reputable workshops and not just any one of hundreds which have popped up recently in Johor Bahru.  The best ones are those which friends have recommended because of good quality service. 
This is a lso a good reminder to all of us to keep up with our car maintenance and repairs...and for me to share my good and reasonably priced car mechanic shops in JB for bodyworks, maintenance and that you guys can Jalan Jalan in JB safely. 

Here are my favorite mechanics to whom I send all my cars!

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