Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's Going On Malaysia?

Man Stabbed For No Rhyme or Reason

I had irreverently once joked to my partner about having to watch my back in a foreign country, what with my European features coupled with increasing lone wolf attacks on innocent citizens in America, Europe and the Middle East.  I even inadvertently started sitting away from sidewalks of cafe as seated in the open leaves my back  unprotected.  

As paranoia seeps in, I now almost prefer to sit within the air-conditioned confines of any dining establishment - yes al fresco is over-rated anyways in near 40 degree heatwave!
And then this news nugget came out today...may the poor soul rest in peace and may our society take care of its own mentally inept - especially with the rise in the level of stress in our daily lives.

Jalan Jalan but be safe!

Source: Sun

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