Thursday, April 7, 2016

Why Singapore Malaysia Thailand?

3 Pronged Strategy To Passive Income

My last few posts detailed how I had applied my 3-pronged approach to achieving my current ability to live in and commute between my three adopted homeland - Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.  

Imperial Garden of Tokyo - Autumn Splendor...LOVE IT!

In STEP ONE, I had given you my story on how to maximize money income from high net worth Singapore through the purchase of low cost government housing.

In STEP TWO, I had detailed how NOT to live in the investment home in the high net worth country, but move yourself off shore to a country where you can find cheaper housing - which I find both Thailand and Malaysia appealing in this respect. I am happy to see one of my adopted home countries - Malaysia - voted 3rd best country to retire in by expatriates - according to a survey by International Living. 

Even the King of Johor - Sultan Ibrahaim Sultan Iskandar - reiterated his wish in a recent news interview that Singaporeans will buy homes in Johor and live in Johor while working in Singapore.

Visiting Africa For My Friend's Wedding
This page will focus on what I mean in STEP THREE - Let Your Hair Down And Enjoy The World!  I know it sounds contradictory - how could one travel and enjoy the world when there is no fat corporate account to charge to?  No more flying business? - there is now no dearth of budget airlines which are not half as bad as full fare carriers.  No more fine dining and all night drinking? - there are so many more interesting street food places and quaint drinking holes than you would ever imagine.  All you have to do is approach life with an open mind.

With the initial hefty profit from STEP ONE, you could afford to buy a home in a low cost location - bear in mind that for STEP TWO to work - the main objective is a safe low cost home as your base.  This is the base from which you look after your investments in high net worth country - in my case Singapore, and from which you fly off to enjoy the world!

Enjoying Our Yuzawa Hot Spring Water Filtered Coffee & Cakes
Budget Family Ski Holiday @ Mount Naeba
I use STEP THREE to not only take vacations, but also use the travel opportunity to go for medical treatments (like annual check ups in Thailand) or shopping for car parts and other big ticket items that will give me high value savings (like Taipei for parts & accessories).

I know it sounds simple, but that is how I had arrived at my current lifestyle arrangement (1)MAKE SINGAPORE WORK FOR YOU (or you can work in Singapore), (2)LIVE IN MALAYSIA WHERE HOUSING IS CHEAP (or Batam or anywhere you find cheap housing) & (3)PLAY IN THAILAND (and the world over ) WHERE FUN & MEDICAL SERVICES ARE CHEAP & GOOD! 

All the best in your pursuit of financial freedom, now go Jalan Jalan around the world.

With Friends In America - Revelry On The Street

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