Showing posts with label Automotive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Automotive. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Gotta Car Radiator Leak II

Reinforcing The Repaired Leak

This Is How The Final Repair Should Look

In my previous post Gotta Leak, I had demonstrated how a small leak car in my car radiator can be fixed to last longer into the short and medium term until I have the time to replace a brand new radiator into the old clunker.

STEP 1 I had gone through how the leaking surface of the radiator was prepared properly for the start of repair by cleaning using acetone and then sealed with the epoxy mix (steel grade epoxy resin) creating an even and thick epoxy layer.  I had left the generously thick epoxy application to cure for 24 hours - that means not driving the car or even getting the car wet as it is important to let the this first application cure well.

We are now in STEP 2 - which would involve the use of the high grade puddy to reinforce the repair - which I bought at Tesco for just MR16, but if you cannot find the Shelly's brand, any other brand at a hardware store would still do the trick.

As you can see from the video above, the puddy needs to be kneaded a little at a time - say 3cm length at one time, just so that you would not waste the puddy should it harden within the 10 minutes allowance you have immediately after kneading the compound together. 

Once you have the compound kneaded, apply over the same area you had previously repaired.  This compound further reinforces the repair areas and when it dries over the repair, it will be ultra strong and forms a leak proof exterior on the radiator. 

From the video you can see working on the radiator in the engine compartment is pretty painstaking due to the lack of space and light.  I used a flourescent table lamp placed on top of the car engine so that you can see clearly where to place the epoxy compound.  The radiator fins are pretty soft and fragile, and you do not want to damage or bend the fins while working in the dark and end up affecting the cooling system further.

When I finished the Step 2 application, the car radiator repair areas were again left to cure - this time for 72 hours (ideally).  This is because any earlier, the compound may still be soft (you can test by trying to dig your finger nail into the compound).  When the compound hardens and feels like fiber glass hard surface (you nail would not be able to leave a mark), it is then good to go.

Voila, now ou got a "new" radiator that allows you to drive your car without water least until your new radiator arrives or when you have the time to leave the car at the workshop for a few days of installation.


I took my old clunker out for a spin today and the radiator did not even spring a drop of  water leak!  That's a big relief.  The old sport is back to life again!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Gotta Car Radiator Leak?


How many times do we have to go to our workshop with a small leaky radiator due to the modern cars today which use plastic parts instead of the good old aluminum mono-frame radiators which are invincible in my books. More often than not, the mechanic will ask you to replace the old one, which means more money out of your pocket, not to mention what a waste to throw away a working radiator save for some small leaky areas.  

On top of that, the car has to be out of commission for a few days waiting for the new radiator to arrive and then the installation time.

My mechanic shop wanted MR1200 for replacing my leaky sports car radiator with a new radiator (and including his installation fees), even after I protested that the radiator is still good and does not need a replacement - just a minor fix to the spot that is leaking.

I ended up having to go buy all the DIY supplies to fix the radiator leak myself.  I know it can be done because I used to do it to old cars which my family bought to restore for resale in Europe.  All you need is perserverence and a systematic approach without trying to skip steps to finish the repair hastily.  A good repair job done is a radiator that would last you for awhile until you have the time and finances to completely replace the radiator.

Step One - Preparing The Leak For Repair

As can be seen in my video above, the leaking surface of the radiator needs to be prepared properly for the leak to be sealed well.  Use acetone to clean the surface thoroughly and then mix the steel grade epoxy resin  and apply directly on the leaky surface GENEROUSLY to create a even and thick epoxy layer (as shown in the video).  The epoxy cost me MR22 at Tesco - but you can find similar product at any hardware store.

You need to wait for it to cure for at least 24 hours before going Step 2 - which would involve the use of high grade puddy to reinforce the repair.  I bought the Shelly's brand puddy at Tesco for just MR16, again you can find it from other brands at any hardware store.

Step Two - Strengthening The Repair

I have uploaded the video of me applying the puddy and completing the repair.  Watch it in the next post Gotta Leak II.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

License To Grille

malaysia cars
Malaysian Drivers Love To Trick Out Their License Plates

I had written in my previous post about how I enjoy buying local cars to restore them to their original glory - something I was not able to do in Singapore due to the high cost of cars on the island.  In Malaysia, not only are the cars more affordable, you are also spoilt for choice in terms of the make and model - given the number of rich & titled VIPs around the Peninsular - who more often than not own no less than a few cars which they would dispose of after a few years to get newer make and model of cars.  So there is no dearth of used cars for car buff like me with a budget and on the prowl for car projects to add to my kampung garage.

My only beef with the cars here in Malaysia is that the license plates they come with kinda diminish the styling of the car.  For me, I have always told my partner that the wheels and rims of a car, is like the stocking and high heels an elegant girl dons.  All dressed up and pair with wrong shoes or leggings - the entire look is destroyed - like they say - "call the FASHION POLICE"!

License Plates
Always Like The SG Plate Which Looks More European
Likewise, no matter how fierce or sleek your ride looks, put on the wrong size of wheels or style of rims - the entire styling goes down the drain.  So a car's license plate is comparable to an oufit's accessories?  One wrong match and it looks like a disaster.  Unwillingly, my partner agreed with my point of view and permitted me to change all the license plates of our of the very few battles I have won, mind you.

I like the Singapore license plate style as the letters and numbers are bold and big - and the spacing - professionally called kerning - of the characters are done almost like the European style.  So we went license plate shopping around the old Johor Bahru area - KSL Mall & Sentosa workshops - but to no satisfaction.  Most shops who display some sample signs (see below) - are most likely jobbers - meaning they take in the orders, mark up the price and make you come back a week later.  They charge around MR120 to MR160 for a pair depending on the style and quality of the plates - which for this Asing is a tad pricey - especially when I was on a budget to replace the plates on a few cars.

MR120 For One Pair Of New License Plates - Double The Price!
So imagine my absolute ecstasy when we were on way to the Premium Outlet for browsing one day and we drove pass the most brilliant sight I would never have imagined seeing - LICENSE PLATES HAVEN!  But to my acerbic-tongued partner, it was more of a license plate graveyard because all these plates (in the photos below) were discarded after the drivers drive off with brand new plates - leaving the two brother owners to give them their final resting place!
Si Nai Plate & Sign Maker - Creative Brothers

Si Nai license plate & signcraft shop is a non-descript shop along Lebuhraya Senai near 55 Senai Highway, Taman Senai Utama.  When you are driving near it, keep left and slow down (turn on your hazard lights) so that you can find the shop as it is tugged inward further than the shops along the road, so you may miss it if you are driving too fast.  Look out for Trust Tech tire shop - they are beside each other.  I got my Singapore-plate-esque license plates for just MR60 a pair and they make it right before my eyes - heaven! I was able to control the type face, the kerning and the type of plate material too. 

The brothers who own the shop also hand make and paint beautiful kites - which my girls absolutely love.  If your kids or yourself do not fly kites, they could make great wall art to dress up a bare wall?  By the way, the shop is just 5 minutes drive to Johor Premium Outlet - there, you can kill two birds with one trip!
Malaysian Kites

The Plate Maker Is Just Next To Trust Tech Tire Shop

You can go Jalan Jalan for license plates and kites at Si Nai near 55 Senai Highway, Taman Senai Utama, Senai, Johor,
Tel: 607 599 9104
GPS Coordinates: 1.6042338, 103.6469638

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

ReTire Safely

You Can Re-Tire A Flat Yourself

Many a times we have seen motorists stranded along the highway helpless in the scorching sun due to a flat tire.  Our family is no exception, I recalled years back on our way to the Golden Horse resort near Kuala Lumpur, our SUV then had a flat and we were just a few miles of the exit of our destination!

After almost an hour of waiting for service to arrive, we decided to just drive very very slow (which I do not recommend as it may damage your expensive rims or do further damage to your tire) at 10km/h to our destination.  It took us awhile with a great many amused looks from passing motorists.  From there the hotel was able to assist us in calling for tow service to the nearest tire shop.
tire tyre compressor
My Trusty Malaysian Compressor from CYCAR
Since that unfortunate experience, I had bought a small compressor from CYCAR Tech near Gelang Patah's Dunlop tire shop who is probably the product's distributor.  It costs just MR150 and it even comes with a handy bag to keep it neat in your boot of your vehicle.I must say it did come useful over the last years when I had a few  tire flats on the roads of Malaysia from driving over curbs or pot holes. 

It is very simple to use, and even my partner had attempted it once when she was out running errands alone and found one tire low on air after shopping.  With me on the handphone, she was able to top up the air and drive home before I bring the car to the shop.

1.   Just plug in the power source to your in-vehicle power source with the vehicle ignition on.  The vehicle engine does not have to be on.

2.   Without turning on the compressor, screw in the compressor hose tip to the tire stem of the deflated tire.

3.   Turn on the compressor switch and turn off when the desired tire pressure is reached on the compressor gauge.  BE SURE TO CHECK WHAT IS YOUR VEHICLE'S SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED TIRE PRESSURE FROM FACTORY.  This can be found on a sticker either on the side of the driver's door or inside cap of the gas refuel compartment.  Many people over pressurized their tires hence causing them to pop.  This is due to the fact that they do not know the recommended pressure and so they go by pressing or kicking the tire to see if the air pressure is sufficient - this is wrong.

4.   Unscrew the compressor hose quickly and screw back the tire stem cap and voila - you are good to go!

You can see below how easy this tire flat fixer upper is:  

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Malaysia Boleh

Does Your Car Suspension Feel Hard & Harsh?

I do not know if most drivers in Singapore and Malaysia feel the same as I do, but with heightening car ownership and the plethora of mega building projects around us - hence heavy vehicles aplenty - the roads are getting increasingly ill-maintained, leaving the bitumen surface worn out, or worse, with an obstacle course of pot holes.  I was once driving a 4X4 Chevrolet Truck hoping to circumvent these bumpy rides, but to no success - and eventually we switched back to saloon car as the truck was also too high for the lady and the kids.

Well I eventually found a cheap solution and the difference in the ride on all the cars I have retrofitted is just night and day.  How do I know?  As a car guy, I feel the pain every time one of my cars go over a pot holes or those omnipresent speed bumps in my neighborhood.  And that is exacerbated by my partner's not-too-refine lady driving (ok I take that back....apologies to all ladies!).  Ever since I had every car retrofitted with the Power Cushion Buffer from Germany brand AMT, the ride is much smoother, the suspension feels buffered (especially over bumps) and the best of all, I feel like I am protecting the suspension systems and making them last longer on my cars.

Trust me, there is only so much funds at bank to go around replacing shocks, springs and suspensions on my cars. - so I gotta make my cars run well and stay on the road for as long as possible.
Brother's at Taman Universiti
You can get the buffer pads at the best price of around MR50 per set of 2 at BROTHERS Carlife Store.  I like to go to the branch at Taman University as the boss lady Ms Wong gives me a good discount for all my cars.  Remember, specific pads fit specific make and model.  So buy the right ones, or better yet, drive your car there so that the mechanics can position the buffers in case your make or model is not listed - they can find one that fits.

Brother's Also Retrofit The Cushion
After that, you may fit them at Brother's or just go to any suspension shop to get it fitted in properly - you need around 1 hour - so you can go Jalan Jalan at U Mall or just drink some kopi around the myriad selection of cafes there.  Remember this - suspension uncles and mechanics make money when your car suspension is worn and needs replacement.  So they want your suspension to wear down soonest possible to keep their business running - cruel but true.  Be firm when they give you a song and dance about "It won't work", "Why don't you change your springs?" or this and that to discourage you from retrofitting the buffer pads. This is because on top of it being a tough job, they know the pads keep your suspension functioning longer. Your effort will pay off when you drive the car and immediately feel the glide and ride of a Jaguar's suspension!

If all else fails and you are not able to find a shop near Brother's to fit the pads - go to my suspension buddy called Chong from Mincent Car Auto at Bukit Indah.  He had retrofitted all my cars and tell him that "Crazy Ang Moh" sent you!  His fee is about MR100 for all 4 pads depending on how difficult it is to retrofit them on your suspension.


Brothers Carlife Store
38 Jalan Kebudayaan 1A
Taman University, Johor
Tel +607 521 5240
GPS 1.541182, 103.632474

Mincent Car Auto Service
73 Jalan Indah 16/11
Taman Bukit Indah
Johor Bahru, Johor
Tel +607 236 8386
Shophouses near Petronas Gas Station

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Beauty In Bangkok

Drawing Blood For The Wrong Reason?

Being a Bangkok veteran and unofficial city promoter of the city to my relatives and friends, a couple friend recently accompanied us to Bangkok so that we can accompany them on their to-go list.  While the guys headed for the car parts and accessories sancturary near Chinatown, the fairer sexed made a hasty retreat to Siam Square for their Vampire Facelifts
I was too hot near the BTS station of Siam where we parted ways, to fully understand what they were heading for or ask for further clarification.  So fast forward to dinner time when we met at the fabulous foodie basement of Siam Paragon shopping center for dinner, the two ladies came back with slightly bruised but invariably rejuvenated complexion - like a pair of vampires who just found fresh blood.  "Yes!" they chanted in agreement, and further related that they were fed centrifuged blood at the beauty clinic - except it was their own viles of blood.  My apetite then was near gone and I had to put down my utensils to hear the details without food in my mouth!

Here's what they did.  Certainly not for the faint-hearted. Photo directly below is from Google Image as the photos they took of each other were not as systematically and aesthetically taken!  They spent a little over an hour at the clinic, including the numbing cream waiting period.  Here goes:
  1. Face sanitized and anesthetic cream applied.

  2. Platelet Rich Plasma from blood previously drawn at Photo 3 (sorry for the non sequential collage) injected back into problem areas of the face

  3. Blood drawn from your arm for centrifuging to obtain platelet rich plasma to be injected back

  4. Face injections should be done in 10 mins - apparently with slight bee-like sting per injection point

  5. Neck injections (ouch!!!) is also available if you want to rejuvenate the neck area

PRP Filler Thailand
Picture Paints A Thousand Words
The above shows how my partner looked just a few hours after the PRP filler. bEven though both of us guys were horrified by the process, we readily admitted that both girls came back resoundingly more youthful and refreshed - I guess "Vampire Facelift" was the right nomenclature coined by the inventor!
They paid about THB15000 each at YB Holistic Clinic founded by Dr. Adisorn Sirisunhirun.
 for the platelet rich plasma filler, which is supposed to last up to a year.  But you may do the blood letting 4 times in a year to get the optimal results of a mini facelift.

Dr Adisorn is at
YB Holistic Clinic
Soi Thong Lo, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Take BTS to ThongLor and you can walk to the clinic
Happy Blood Letting!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Car Styling


I posted awhile back on how I bought my rides in JB on a budget. Being a car buff that I am, I would not want to be caught driving a stock car if i can help it, especially when friends and relatives come visiting my kampung for holiday stays.

Just as I travelled all over Malaysia in search of my car collection, I make a holiday fun trip out of travelling all over Malaysia and Thailand in search of parts and accessories to "pimp the ride" (in the caustic words of my partner).  While in Muar and Kuala Lumpur, we sourced the diffuser kit and dual tip exhaust for my Classic.  As I was shopping along Jalan Mutiara one day, I stumbled upon this one stop shop where I found a rubber spoiler for my friend's CLS.  He is an attorney in SIngapore but bought a CLS in JB for him to drive during his family's weekend visit.  I help crank start his car every other day since he parks the Mercedes at my village compound (this reminds me to start charging parking rent and valet services!).
On one of our frequent trips to neighboring Thailand, we help him buy a pair of fantastic exhaust tips (S$260) to fit the custom diffuser kit (MYR800 which he retrofitted in JB).  The exhaust tips now make the car 300% fiercer than when he first bought the car.  Every now and then he would have drivers giving him thumbs up, or even car accessories shop owners asking where he bought them.  Well, they are Made In Taiwan and bought in Thailand, what a great find!
We also help him buy a new upgrade front grille (MYR800) in KL - even though he had wanted to modify a new Mercedes diamond grille - but I advised him against it as a factory made-to-fit grille is always better than a custom one - the latter sometimes just does not fit well and will rattle as time goes by.

You also saw my Sports car project - I was trying to retrofit the Lambo door? I got the very hardy hinges from Thailand (S$500) as the ones I found in JB and KL were too weak and I saw a door actually shaking as the door goes up due to the low quality steel!  These hinges from Thailand (photos right) are made of high gauge steel and double the size of the parts I saw in Malaysia.  Budget airline fare to Thailand well spent !!!


MX Car Body Kit 29, Jalan Masai Utama 1, Taman Masai Utama, Johor
Tel  +607-2550216  WeChat & WhatsApp   +6014-612 2683
Closed Sunday
* bought the CLS spoiler here for just MYR150

We One Auto Station127, Jalan Dato Sulaiman, Taman Century Garden, Johor Bahru
Tel +6012-7185569 / +6012-7195569
They seemed to be open whenever we drove pass even during holidays!
* bought the diffuser kits for my Classic and Sports here, each MYR100

SingTo AutoSorry business card only has address in Thai. Visit
Tel  02-2262001,  02-2215087
HP  083-0822293
* a haven for Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Isuzu and Chevy accessories

RTN MotorSorry business card only has address in Thai. Visit
Tel  02-6118090
HP  081-2555800, 081-8890926
* got Mercedes HID headlights (S$400), Lambo Door Kit (S$500) and many continental accessories here

Friday, April 1, 2016

Tun Aminah Car Wash & Supper

Singaporeans will Love 1818 Car Wash

You will find most weekend visitors and weekday trippers flocking to Johor Bahru's old city center of Sentosa, KSL and City Square area - where they will shop and makan (eat) while their rides are being washed and detailed.
Well that's for the local city slikers and Singapore visitors who do not wish to venture from the beaten path.  For Asings like us who are living in JB for years now, we find the Tun Aminah neighborhood even more affordable, with service just as detailed and friendly - if not better than what you get in old JB and the ever-popular Bukit Indah neighborhood.
It's run by a group of Indian asings (foreigners) who operates 1818 Car wash from 10am to 10pm (or even later if the queue is long).  For just MYR10, I get snow wash, interior vacuum, tire shine and wipe down.  At other  popular car washes frequented by Singaporeans, I was charged MYR20 to MYR25 for similar quality of service, and sometimes worse when they rush the detailing as they are just too many cars waiting. 

At 1818, I  sometimes add another MYR10 for the wax pad with which  they use to bring the factory paint back to life again. I prefer that to the long tedious waxing process - as my patience is not one of my partner's virtue!

Did I mention scrumptious FOOD?

I know Singaporeans and Malaysian foodies with get a kick out of this.  While waiting for your ride to be washed and detailed, you can saunter over (it is literally right next door) to the street food haven - well to an Asing like me at least.  I do not have to fly to Bangkok to get my  authenticTom Yum Kung anymore! 
At Samira Seafood, the owners were Thai Muslims from Thailand's restive south, and they now run a very happening eatery - existing symbiotically with 1818 car wash and the rest of the stalls along the road.  There is a satay stall, rojak vendor, and halal zhi char (wok cooked dishes).  Locals bring their families (kids in their jammies) to have late night supper while their cars get washed.  The kampung spirit is well and alive here, we love it!
The GPS coordinates are 1.5249012, 103.6668544.  Drivers can take the Skudai highway and exit at Tun Aminah - and it is just 1 min from the exit.  It is on intersection of Jalan Tun Teja and Jalan Pahlawan 2, near 53 Jalan Laksamana 2.

Selemat Jalan and Makan!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Buying JB Cars On A Shoestring Budget

So Many Cars, So Little Time (and Money)

Car buffs will surely have a field day living in JB Malaysia - especially if they baulk at the hefty price tags of vehicles in Singapore.  In Malaysia, cars are necessary chattels rather than luxury ticket items as in Singapore's case. So JB cars are very affordable if you go for the low to mid range brands.  The sports and imported high end sedans are naturally luxury items, and hence you pay a premium - but not like the COE-laden bank-busting exhorbitant Singapore price tags. 
Heart Stopping Beauty Parked at KL The Gardens Mall
I have been restoring cars since I was a teen back home and naturally cars were on my first shopping priority when we first relocated. USED CARS that is.  For new cars, you will find a plethora of choice in new car showrooms of major cities in Malaysia like JB and Penang, but KL by far beats all.  
Back to used cars.  I find has better prices but has better selection of cars at higher price tags.  What we did was we selected 3 cars we like and then drove to the dealers - that is AFTER YOU HAVE HAGGLED ON THE PHONE FOR THEIR BEST PRICES!  This is because by the time you showed up and checked on the car and decided to buy, it would be too late to bargain.  If you find any over-promise on the car condition, the price can then be brought down further.

The Sports In The Shop for Lambo Door Retrofitting
After we selected a MPV (the work horse that would ferry us on JB roads), a British classic (for my garage project) and a continental sports car (for date night with my partner!) - we then rented a car for our car-buying cum holiday road trip that took us to Muar where we bought the MPV,  and then Melaka where we bought the Classic, and finally the best of all - Kuala Lumpur where my Sports ride was also purchased.  There we returned the rental and after some days of R&R in KL, we drove casually back to our JB Kampung.  The other 2 cars were separately towed back by our reliable flatbed towing company - MYR1000 per car, just an extra S$300+ expense which gave me peace of mind over having the dealers drive the cars down to JB for me.
What is the savings you ask?  We find each car is about 10 to 20% cheaper if you buy out of JB.  And in some instance, we saved on extra dealer fees as we did the I
inspection and transfer ourselves at the local Puspakom.  And for my 2 door sports, it was even more as I bought direct from the owner.  Shhhhhh....don't spread the news...a dealer was even able to buy all the road tax and insurance "out of East Malaysia" where it is much cheaper!
In terms of Puspakom paperwork, you may also choose to buy the car wherever in Malaysia, and then do all the transfer of ownership when you are back at the JB Puspakom/JPJ.  Of course please make sure you have the proper road tax and insurance before you drive off the lot and go Jalan Jalan!
Call Shah +6016 7029778. He goes even to KL to tow your car down to JB.  And its on a FLATBED tow truck - so its better for your car!

Other Emergency Tow Services. 
Uncle Tow   +6012 7179441
Steven   +6012 7716738
Bukit Indah Tow   +6016 7557171 
At KL Journal Hotel with space saving parking ramp

East Ledang

The Go To Bungalow Enclave

East Ledang is just 3 minutes from Tuas Crossing
I was told when we first move to Malaysia that Ledang loosely means to show off.  And the folks at Ledang Residences sure have the means to show off.  We even saw a classic De Lorean being driven in there:
East Ledang is being developed by the reputable UEM Sunrise brand and I highly recommend it if you have the mullah lying idle in the bank waiting for an investment opportunity to come a knocking.  Word has it that prices will start rising when the LRT links Danga Bay to the Medini area (where East Ledang is around) and when the high speed rail (again slated to be at the Puteri Habour area which is just minutes from East Ledang.
The indomitable Singaporean high roller Peter Lim is also in partnership with the Crown Prince of Johor (so we heard) to develop the nearby JB Race Track just next to Leisure Farm - another luxe living resort.  EduCity is also just 1 minute from East Ledang's main entrance - with NewCastle University, Raffles American School, Marlborough College, MDIS JB Campus, and a host of other foreign tertiary institutions at your doorstep.
You can visit the sales gallery of UEM Sunrise at its Nusajaya Center

No. 8, Persiaran Ledang Heights
79250 Iskandar Puteri
Johor Darul Ta’zim
Tel: +607 277 3700

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Motor Heads Haven in Johor

Hot Rods "Spa"

I have a mechanic who works on my classics like the Jaguar E Type
Old Merc being retro fitted with Lambo Doors
If you are like me a car fanatic, you will surely want to check out the local mechanics for all your auto needs, from body works and aesthetics, simple maintenance like oil change or repairs, to car seat upholstery and high performance modifications.  Go Jalan Jalan in JB while your ride gets its spa treatment!

Here are my top picks on great and economical (read "less than half of Singapore workshop prices") automotive services:

at 1 Jln Bukit Indah 16/10, Bukit Indah, JB
Tel +607 2446448

Sing Heng
30G, Jln Bestari 8/5, Taman Nusa Bestari, Skudai
Tel +607 5127729
*we got the best tires and rims here...great prices, even recon 2nd hand wheels for our cars!

589 Jln Persisiran, Perling 1, Taman Perling,  JB
Tel +6019 7786439
*we used to aend our 4x4 for great tires and suspensions services - before we sold the truck!

CAR UPHOLSTERY (Leather & Fabrics)
S H Cushion Center 
127 Jln Rawa, Taman Perling, JB
Tel +6016 7985069

SP Racing Autoworks
30 Jln Indah 16/11, Tman Bukit Indah, JB 
Tel +6014 3888189

Autobac (same name as the Japanese chain, but it's a local shop)
159G Jalan Bestari 1/5, Taman Nusa Beatari, Nusajaya
Tel +6016 7771984
*absolutely a  stop for your general maintenance needs!
A Proton MPV is our local car - the car services at Autobac does everything!

Burnt In His Sleep


How many times have we left the car engine running for the comfort of our family or other passengers who wanted the air condition blowing - while you the driver run off to do some banking errands or the snack shop to get drinks and tidbits? 
We have all been guilty of doing that I am sure.  Lately in Johor Bahru and Singapore alike, I am seeing more and more of such occurence due to the current heatwave plaguing the countries.  I do not blame them, for there is also a lack of local legislation against leaving the car engines running while in stationary position.  In Malaysia, such incidents are even more rampant because the cost of petrol or gasoline for vehicles are almost half that of Singapore, so drivers are not as conscientious in turning off the engines when they run off for errands - leaving sometimes sleeping babies or children and pets in the comfort of the air conditioned vehicles.
News today said a man died in his car after his car engine, which was left running while he napped, caught on fire and burnt him to death. This is very unfortunate and perhaps in some ways serves as a reminder for us to be more environmentally friendly by turning off the ignition.  Apart from helping to save the world from more emissions, it just might save our lives too.
The above news also reminded me of how recently, more and more local cars in Malaysia, as well as vehicles from Singapore, are going to car workshops to have their cars modified and all tricked out so as to get a few more horsepower out of the stock engines the cars come with.
It looks from the photo above that the victim was driving a sports car which may or may not have been modified. My guess is if it were a JB plate car, there will be some modifications on it.  With many drivers coming to JB to have their ride modified, there is a real risk of engines overheating....especially when the drivers are not great in their automotive mechanics knowledge and leave their machines to the whims and fancies of the mechanics.
While I am just as guilty of the above, I think drivers should be aware that they should at least research online what they are doing to their rides before handing the cars over to the workshops for modifications.  More importanly, they should go only to reputable workshops and not just any one of hundreds which have popped up recently in Johor Bahru.  The best ones are those which friends have recommended because of good quality service. 
This is a lso a good reminder to all of us to keep up with our car maintenance and repairs...and for me to share my good and reasonably priced car mechanic shops in JB for bodyworks, maintenance and that you guys can Jalan Jalan in JB safely. 

Here are my favorite mechanics to whom I send all my cars!